Monday, September 30, 2013

Learning from a 2 year old

I have always believed that a child's company is the best company. It can prove to be very therapeutic. Their overly simplistic world view can be very helpful sometimes if not always. There are a lot of simple life lessons that can be learnt from a child. So I was not surprised when I thought of my 2 yr old nephew from whom I have learned three such lessons that we can integrate into our everyday life.
How to be happy is something no one can teach you better than a kid. They're brimming with positivity. Whenever I meet my nephew he's always on a roll; always smiling and full of vibrant energy. Of course there's a lot of difference between a 2 yr old and a grown up's version of happiness. They don't have to worry about paying monthly bills, or making grocery lists-while meticulously trying not to forget any item, or that dent in the car that needs to be fixed soon, resolving important issues at home, etc. They basically have to do nothing because everything is done for them. That's not the point here. The key, however, is to observe how they 'find reasons to be happy'. By incorporating this simple rule, we too, can surround ourselves by positive energy. Think up of different ways to be happy. Do things you won't normally do. Try a different route while going to work, pick up a different newspaper or read a magazine that you wouldn't otherwise read while on the way, carry a box of tasty treats for your colleagues, decorate your desk and then re-decorate it, strike up a conversation or enter into a lively discussion about current topics, change your playlist entirely, indulge in an activity, go watch a play, etc.

Many people believe that expecting proper concentration from a child is an unachievable task. It is actually quite the opposite. They possess a lot more patience required to churn out the kind of concentration necessary to get a specific job done. You should see my nephew trying to win a bowling game on my phone! He is extremely focused and exercises a lot of patience which ultimately leads to his triumph. If we could only employ the required amount of focus into our work, surely we would get the job done. But focus alone is not enough. Endurance too is instrumental while working, because not all days are going to be the same. There may be times when there may be a sudden overload of work, sometimes even at the last minute, times when meeting deadlines would be the need of the hour. At times like these it is only persistence and perseverance that would get us through the day. Only if we are focused, would we be able to rise from the mediocre and actually test our limits.

Do What You Love, Love What You Do
And finally, something that is slowly gaining the status of becoming the most followed adage of all times. My nephew is a living and breathing example of this. It doesn't matter if the only work he does is bring the house down with his antics. He does what he loves and undoubtedly loves what he does! This for us could translate into the drive, that passion that wakes us up every morning. The devotion towards what we do that keeps our interest piqued. We all have a fire burning within us that keeps us alight which serves as a guide throughout our path of self-discovery, we just need to find it. And when we do find our true-calling, we never let the opportunity go away. As Steve Jobs had once said,
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

So let's learn to live it and love it! 

By dEEV Sana Shaikh

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